BB1B447205A crankshaft bearing size 20x52x12

Product ID: cubb1b447205a
Manufacturer: SKF
the bearings marketed by Motocross Marketing are of high quality; and characteristics equal to the originals.
The brands sold are: Koyo, Ntn and Prox.
If you want to know the exact bearing brand before ordering this item, please contact us.

the image does not reflect the exact shape of the product & eacute; indicative only.
€ 14.00
The shipping cost depend on weight and volume of parcel. It starts from €9,99 (VAT included) for "light products" and increase up to a maximum of €19,99 (VAT included) for heavier or bulkier products. The cost of the shipment will be automatically calculated as you add products to the cart and proceed to checkout.


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