connecting rod - Suzuki Rmz 250 2004-2019

Product ID: px03.4334
Manufacturer: PROX
€ 124.00
The shipping cost depend on weight and volume of parcel. It starts from €9,99 (VAT included) for "light products" and increase up to a maximum of €19,99 (VAT included) for heavier or bulkier products. The cost of the shipment will be automatically calculated as you add products to the cart and proceed to checkout.
Le bielle Prox sono costruite in Giappone con acciai speciali e tolleranze identiche al ricambio originale, così pure le gabbie rulli i perni e gli spinotti inclusi nel kit.
La gabbia inclusa nella biella é la inferiore, la gabbia del pistone non é inclusa.
A 16,00
B 38,00
C 92,50
D 15,00
E 18,00
F 129,50
G 65,50
H 30,00
I 54,80


  • Kawasaki Kxf 250 2004 - 2009
  • Suzuki Rmz 250 2004 - 2019


Product Code